In this lesson, students will delve into a sensitive and thought-provoking historical event—the Jonestown cult and the tragic events that unfolded there.
The lesson begins with an exploration of the term “cult” to provide students with a clear understanding of its meaning.
It then offers a historical overview, shedding light on the charismatic leader, Jim Jones, and the series of events that led to the devastating tragedy.
The primary objective of this lesson is to foster critical thinking and empathy among students as they analyze the choices, emotions, and ethical dilemmas faced by the cult members.
Full lesson PPT on The Branch Davidians, inlcuding the Waco Siege and David Koresh.
Starter Activity
Full lesson ppt
Video Link
Class discussion
This bundle contains 4 1 hour lesson plans - could be extended to more than one lesson per powerpoint.
Each lesson includes groupwork, discussion, applicable materials and questions.
A ppt that includes both an article and documentary in relation to SHEIN focusing on Fashion Ethics both from a religious and non religious point of view. This would take up 2 hour long classes and includes:
higher and lower level questioning,
pair work,
case study article,
exit slip.
6 lesson unit on Hinduism (Based on 1 Hour lessons)
Assessment Task
Includes arts and craft tasks, group work activities, presentations and notes.
Full term of lessons for leaving Certificate non exam religion. Can be used in either 5th or 6th year. Bundle includes 15 powerpoints (designed for hour long classes but can be edited to suit 40 min), up to date case studies and legislation, starter activites, exit slips, debates, class discussion prompts, youtube videos, different religious views, worksheets and an end of topic quiz.
Topics include:
-Attitudes to life
-Life terminology
-Artificial insemination
-Fertility options
-Transplant surgery
-Blood transfusions
-Designer babies
-Saviour siblings
-Animal and human experimentation
-Beginning of life
2 one hour lessons and extra activities to decorate classrom.
-Advent wreath activity
-mindfulness colouring
-Advent calendar
-advent notes & groupwork
Full lesson (May become 2 lessons)
Aimed at senior cycle RE (16-18 Yr old Students)
Background info
Walking Debate (Statements & Posters)
Exit Slip
Full 4 page worksheet to be unsed in conjunction with the David Attenborough Documentary - A Life on our planet.
Questions (Differentiated)
Research assignment
Environmental impact assessment
Awareness Campaign
Personal Refelction
A differentiated worksheet for students ont he topic of stewardship.
Matching Activity
Key Term
Higer order questions
World Religion Information Sheet
Powerpoint lesson & Worksheet on the topic of Prejudice, Discrimination and Human Rights.
Class discussion
Group work
Mind Map
Key Terms
Reflection Exercise